What do you call a Singh who drinks only beer?
Jasbir Singh (Just Beer)
What do you call a Singh who likes to go for a swim at night?
Kuldip Singh (Cool Dip)
What do you call the only Singh left on earth after a nuclear holocaust?
Jestwant Singh (Just One)
What do you call a Singh who owns a ship?
Karpal Singh
What do you call a Singh who owns a ship that sank?
No lah, not Titanic Singh. It's Karam Singh
What do you call the Bhai who was sacked from the
national hockey team?
Relax Singh
What do you call a lousy Bhai?
Owtar Singh
What do you a vulgar Singh?
Tiu Niah Singh (Cantonese curse words)
Side tracking a bit here: What does a baby tuna calls it mother?
Tuna Ma (Cantonese curse words again)
What do you call a Singh who's a three star general?
Sam Lap Singh (Cantonese for 3 Stars)
What do you call the Singh who likes roundabouts?
Pu Singh
What do you call a Singh who's a gangster?
What do you call a Bhai porn actress?
Hard Kaur
What do you call a female Bhai security guard?
What do you call a Singh who likes to sing?
D.J. Dave!
What do you call the study of Singhs?
Bhailogy (Biology)
What do you call the study of baby Singhs?
Microbhailogy (Microbiology)
If the Sikhs were to succeed in forming their own country,
what will they call their currency?
Mata Wang Ah Singh
What do you call a Singh who doesn't like backsides?
Surpri Singh!
A Sikh family owns a petrol station in Brickfields.
The names of the three brothers running the business?
Servi Singh, Grea Singh and Wheel Balan Singh
Someone reminded me:
They have a cousin who works there as a pump attendant:
Dispen Singh
What is a Bhai standoff?
Two Bhais bathing together, and one drops the soap!
What do you call the Singh who can swim underwater?
GS Gills
Did ya hear about the Bhai who was sent to jail
for beating up his wife? The judge said he was
rotten to the core (kaur)!
What do you call a Bhai playboy centerfold?
Boh Cheng Kaur (Hokkien - "Not Wearing Pants")
What do you call a horny Bhai?
Gian Singh
Why is the Subang Airport a favourite for Singhs?
Because they have special immigration lanes for
What did the Singh say in his traffic accident report?
Dia belakang mari!
In the wild west, what did the Apache say to the Singh?
Umm...you make good scalp, already pre-wrapped!
What do you call a Bhai girl who likes hot choclate?
Co Kaur (Cocoa)
What do you call a Bhai girl who's an interior decorator?
De Kaur (Decor)
What do you call a Bhai girl who's a gangster?
Tai Kaur
What is the official mode of transportation for Bhais?
Bhaicycle (bicycle)
Why are Bhai jokes so stupid?
So that the Chinese, Malay and Tamil buggers can
understand them!