Çò§míçÅçé© Hompage

Hi,Welcome to my homepage!!!Just in case you dun know me.I am Daisy my nicknames
are Çò§míç Åçé © and°··«bäbÿ çösmïç»··° You can get me through ICQ.Catch me in this uin
5094045 and 5099415...Meanwhile u can get to know bout me more about
myself and u get to see my picture in there too.There are a lot of really good links here...so anyway isn't this homepage great???
hehehe...just joking.Actually, this is the first personal homepage
that I have ever created.So I guess it's not that perfect yet.
I would very much appreciate if you can try to explore every each of my web pages &
sincerly hope that and at the end you can conteng my guestbook before
you leave.. I really look forward to your feedback as this will greatly
help me in improving my homepage.As such, I mean that I will keep updating my homepage. So keep coming back to see the new changes
or happenings here. Yes! Why not just bookmark this page?!

I have a whole new page which contains meanings of flowers and the quantities too. This
love-tip is so suitable for guys or gals who wants to sent flowers to thier love ones. A lot of actractive free tiles that you may save as background.I have a special
Mp3 Page,there are a lot of programes to run mp3s.
There are some really cool skins there are
cartoon ones, cars, actors even ur favourite sport player!! My link page has various links to quite good web sites. I also have an E-Mail
page listing out all free e-mail services on the net forwarding and web-based e-mail. I made one Animated Images can get a lot of them from these sites. There is also a directory of
Fashion & Brands web sites for those fashion lovers. So enjoy ur time here and dont forget to sign my guestbook ..!!..=oþ..

[email protected]
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